
A participatory media project that empowers traditional Vezo fishing communities in Madagascar to share their stories and raise awareness about the challenges they face through film.

Voices of the Vezo is a participatory media project that empowers traditional Vezo fishing communities in Madagascar to share their stories and raise awareness about the challenges they face through film. 

We are dedicated to amplifying the voices of those at the frontline of these impacts, amplifying their stories and advocating for positive change.

Voices of the Vezo is a project supported by Blue Ventures, the Scientific Exploration Society and the Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC) Studentship programme.

The Vezo People

Vezo communities, residing along the southwest coast of Madagascar, are on the front line of the ocean emergency. As traditional fishers, they navigate the challenges posed by overfishing, habitat destruction, and the impacts of climate change. The issues and struggles faced by Vezo communities serve as a poignant representation of the urgent concerns faced by millions of small-scale fishers worldwide, who rely on the healthy ocean ecosystem for their sustenance and livelihoods. Their stories shed light on the interconnectedness between marine conservation, sustainable fishing practices, and the well-being of coastal communities.

Participatory Video

We believe that the power of storytelling lies in the hands of the community itself. At the heart of Voices of the Vezo is the collaborative film making approach of participatory video. Engaging with local communities, particularly the youth, we provide equipment and training in camera operation and interview techniques, supporting them with the skills to create their own films. Participatory video focuses less on the overall quality of the films and more on supporting local communities to take ownership of their narratives. Providing a platform  to express their experiences, perspectives, and the profound impacts of overfishing, habitat destruction and climate change on their livelihoods.

Community Engagement

Participatory video is a powerful tool for community engagement as it promotes active involvement from community members around a certain issue. It can provide a platform for marginalized voices that are often overlooked or unheard and foster agency about the issues at hand. It can serve as a catalyst for community dialogue and decision making.


Participatory video can be a valuable tool for research, fostering an inclusive and collaborative approach to data collection. By actively involving participants, it promotes ownership and engagement, resulting in more authentic insights. This method captures the complexities of lived experiences and provides a deeper understanding of social and environmental contexts. Participants become co-creators of knowledge, promoting promotes more equitable and inclusive research practices.

Watch the films